It is so surreal to be at this point in my pregnancy. I'm sitting here literally waiting for something to happen. Is my water going to break, are these contractions going to last and get stronger, will I know when I am really in labor?! I'm so uncomfortable right now, and everyone is very anxious to meet this little girl. I want her to be here NOW!
When I first found out we were finally pregnant, I was absolutely terrified that something would go wrong. I couldn't wait for that first Dr.
appt at 8 weeks. It still didn't seem real, even after we saw our little bean's heart beating like crazy at 150
At our 12 week
appt. we were able to hear the heart beat using the
doppler. I remember lying there in
panic when it took a few seconds to find the heart beat. It measured at a strong 165
Finally on August 21st, we had our "big ultrasound". It was amazing to see our baby moving around so much. While we could already feel movements from the outside, it was incredible how much the baby was actually moving around on the inside. The tech started by measuring her heart, brain, looking at her spine and blood flow. I kept asking if everything looked
ok. The tech reassured us saying that "everything looks great so far." We could see the baby rubbing her eyes and even smiling at us! Finally she asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby and then pointed out her GIRL parts! That's when a few tears rolled down my cheeks. A BABY GIRL!
After that, the
appts became pretty routine; pee in a cup, get weighed, blood pressure check, and listen to the heartbeat. Mike did his best to make it to the majority of
appts. I think he has made it to all but 3 (stupid traffic)! It means so much to have him there with me.
Starting at 30 weeks, I started going to
appts every 2 weeks. at 35 weeks, we started weekly
appts. At 35 weeks, I also had the Group B Strep test which I tested positive for (not a big deal, just need antibiotics once in labor) and my first internal check. Nothing was happening quite yet, which was fine by me, since I wanted her to say in for at least a couple of more weeks anyway. 36 week check, I was a fingertip
dilated, and starting to soften. The Dr. could feel that she was head down. My belly measurements have been measuring ahead about 2-3 weeks. So my Dr. scheduled us for another ultrasound to check the size of the baby. Turns out that she is absolutely perfect in growth and even has a little hair! 37 week check, 1 cm dilated, 80% effaced, -2 station. YES! Something was really starting to happen! 38/39 week check, nothing more...BOO!
So here we are...just waiting. The fact that I know she has to come out sooner then later is helping me get through these next few days....I just hope I
don't go past our due date....